Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cubing Exercise

1. The cages that animals in the zoo are housed in are small and constricting. It suggests that zoo animals are for only our entertainment that they have no greater purpose. It also suggests to me that the cages these animals live in are too small for them to live comfortably. They should be luxurious with lots of room for animals to roam and play as they please. People in general take these animals for granted. They aren’t just for our entertainment; they are an educational resource as well.

2. The reindeer exhibit at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo is just big enough for the reindeer to make one lap around the enclosure in under a minute. There is no room for him to run about or play. The seal take hardly fits the two seals when swimming at the same time. They have to swim in a single file line to make room for one another. Their rock perch in the middle of the water has only enough room for the two of them to lie nearly on top of one another.

3. A kennel for dogs could be compared to my subject. A kennel has many small cages but for only one type of animal unlike the zoo where they have small cages for many types of animals. The animals in the zoo don’t get the proper amount of exercise and neither do the dogs in a kennel. However, the dogs are walked by workers at the kennel. Animals at the zoo don’t enjoy this leisure.

4. If animal habitats were built larger and species were mixed then a zoo would be much more interesting. The more interaction between animals the more people want to come to the zoo. With every animal separated from one another there is no interaction. Each animal must do something on its own to catch everyone’s attention. Larger exhibits with more inhabitants would reel in a bigger audience.

5. My subject is made of different enclosures with different animals in each enclosure. Each animal isn’t related to the next. However in certain buildings or areas animals may be related to one another. The monkeys might be located in a certain portion of the park and the reptiles might be housed in a specific building. Without each of these pieces the zoo isn’t worth coming to see. Certain animals bring in different audiences. Each animal is equally important as the one right next to him.

6. You can act on it by doing something about the living conditions of the animals in zoos. Tell someone that the habitats are too small and that animals are social and need friends. This will make the park much more enjoyable. People like to see animals interacting with one another. There is always a cluster of people around an exhibit when two or more of the animals are doing something worth watching.


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