This post is a little bit different than my previous ones. First of all it's different because I was one of the few who misinterpreted Professor Ware's instructions and second of all because it shows a little bit of my soft side rather than the side of me that wants to laugh at people all the time. I chose this video because Boy Meets World is probably my favorite show in the entire world and it is a clip of my absolute favorite episode. There are two reasons for why this episode is my favorite. One is when Cory tells Shawn that he can live without Lauren, but can't live without Topanga. I think this has a hidden meaning behind it, that when you have a good thing it's okay to try other things to see if you like them better. It will only show you how much of a good thing you really had. Just like Cory had with Topanga. It's okay to have some fun every once and a while. Live a little bit. See what life has to offer other than the life you repeat day after day. Step outside that comfort zone and do something that you wouldn't normally do. The second reason is how Eric is able to teach a class to immigrants about the United States even though he himself is ignorant. His explanation of what America is should be written down and idolized. He says, "We're all [everyone in America] from different backgrounds. We're like cards in a deck, some cards are black, some cards are red, some are kings and queens, and some are sixes and sevens. But even without one of those the cards don't work." That's what Eric says is America. This definition of America is one of pure genius. For once Eric is the smartest person in that room. Every time I hear the words that Eric said I get goosebumps all over because that statement is very powerful. It rings clear in my head because it truly is what America is all about.